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当你踏上这片土地时,不妨参观位于首府哥打基纳巴卢市中心附近的苏禄博物馆(Sabah Museum),通过展品了解当地民族、宗教以及传统艺术等方面知识。此外,沙巴的民族文化村(Mari Mari Cultural Village)也是一个了解当地传统生活方式和文化的好去处。



沙巴有许多令人惊叹的自然景点,其中最著名的要数世界遗产——金马伦山(Mount Kinabalu)。这座海拔4095米的山峰是东南亚最高峰之一,吸引着无数登山爱好者前来挑战。如果你不打算攀登,也可以选择在周边地区进行徒步或观赏壮丽的日出日落。



苏拉万热带雨林:探索丛林中丰富多样的植物和动物。 塔曼红树林保护区:乘船游览红树林,并欣赏到珍稀鸟类和其他野生动物。 岛屿群: 沙巴拥有众多美丽岛屿如兰卡威岛、斯里安达曼岛等,提供潜水、浮潜和海滩度假的绝佳选择。


沙巴以其丰富多样的美食而闻名,其中最受欢迎的要数“肉骨茶”(Bak Kut Teh)。这是一道由猪骨熬制而成的汤品,配以香料和药材。此外,沙巴还有许多其他值得尝试的当地特色菜肴:

海鲜: 沿海城市提供新鲜可口的海鲜如龙虾、螃蟹和各种鱼类。 Nasi Lemak: 马来西亚传统早餐,主要由椰浆米饭、辣椒酱、花生和水煮蛋组成。 Satay: 烧烤串类小吃,在沙巴也非常受欢迎。




太平洋苏丹阿末舒特拉大酒店:位于哥打基纳巴卢市中心,提供豪华的客房和便利的设施。 沙巴天地度假村:坐落在壮丽的海滩上,是一个放松身心的理想之地。 谷歌玛岛度假村: 坐落在兰卡威岛上,提供私人泳池别墅和无敌海景。




Tips for a Perfect Five-Day Trip to Sabah in March

Sabah, located on the island of Borneo in Malaysia, is a tourist destination full of natural beauty and cultural charm. Whether you want to explore the jungle, discover marine life, or experience local culture, Sabah can meet your needs. In this article, I will introduce some things to pay attention to during a five-day trip to Sabah and share some personal insights about travel.


Historical Background and Cultural Charm

Sabah has a rich and diverse historical background and unique cultural charm as one of the largest states in Malaysia. It was once ruled by various dynasties such as the Sultanate of Sulu and the Brunei Empire, leaving behind a variety of historical relics and buildings.

When you set foot on this land, you can visit the Sabah Museum located near the city center of Kota Kinabalu to learn about local ethnic groups, religions, traditional arts, and more through its exhibits. In addition, Mari Mari Cultural Village is also a great place to learn about traditional ways of life and culture in Sabah.

Famous Attractions

Sabah has many stunning natural attractions, with Mount Kinabalu being one of the most famous. This 4,095-meter-high mountain is one of Southeast Asia's highest peaks and attracts countless mountaineering enthusiasts. If you don't plan to climb it, you can choose to hike or enjoy magnificent sunrises/sunsets in its surrounding areas.

In addition to Mount Kinabalu, here are some other must-visit attractions:

Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre: Witness orangutans up close at this rehabilitation center dedicated to rescuing these endangered primates. Kinabatangan River: Take a river cruise along Kinabatangan River for a chance to spot proboscis monkeys, pygmy elephants, and other wildlife species. Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park: Explore beautiful coral reefs while snorkeling or diving in this marine park consisting of five islands near Kota Kinabalu.

Local Cuisine

Sabah is known for its rich variety of cuisine. One popular dish is "Bak Kut Teh," a soup made from simmering pork bones with spices and herbs. In addition, there are many other local specialties worth trying:

Seafood: Coastal cities offer fresh and delicious seafood such as lobsters, crabs, and various types of fish. Nasi Lemak: A traditional Malaysian breakfast consisting of coconut milk rice, chili sauce, peanuts, and boiled eggs. Satay: Grilled skewered meat served with peanut sauce; also very popular in Sabah.

Popular Hotels

Choosing a comfortable and convenient accommodation is crucial during your trip to Sabah. Here are several recommended hotels:

Pacific Sutera Hotel: Located in the heart of Kota Kinabalu city center, offering luxurious rooms and convenient facilities. Sutera Harbour Resort: Situated on a beautiful beachfront location; an ideal place for relaxation. Gaya Island Resort: Located on Gaya Island near Kota Kinabalu; offers private pool villas with stunning sea views.


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