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1. "I love MY job, but only on weekends."

2. "I think I need a sick day from work, but my bank account dIsagrees."


3. "Work is just a way to pay for my weekend adventures."

4. "I need a vacation from my vacation, but I can't take one because of work."

5. "I'm not lazy, I'm just allergic to alarms and responsibilities."

6. "If work was a person, I would unfriend them on Facebook."

7. "I work to live, not the other way around."

8. "I'm not a morning person, I'm not an afternoon person, and I'm definitely not an all-day-at-work person."

9. "The only thing worse than Mondays is all the other days of the week I have to work."

10. "I have a love-hate relationship with my job. I love the weekends and hate the weekdays."

11. "I'm consIdering switching to a career in napping and binge-Watching TV shows."

12. "I would rather be at the beach than at my desk."

13. "I would rather play with my dog than have a meeting with my boss."

14. "Is it Friday yet? Oh wait, I have to work on weekends too."

15. "I feel like I'm stuck in Groundhog Day, but instead of repeating the same day, I'm repeating the same work week."

16. "I'm not sure if I'm working to live or living to work, but either way, I'm tired."

17. "If only I could get paid to do what I love, which is not working."

18. "I'm pretty sure my job is a conspiracy to make me miss out on all the fun stuff in life."

19. "I would rather get a root canal than go to work today."

20. "My work-life balance is more like a work-work balance."

21. "I need a raise, a promotion, and a million-dollar vacation to even consider staying at this job."

22. "I'm not procrastinating, I'm just rethinking my life choices."

23. "I'm convinced that work is just a way for the government to track our every move."

24. "I would rather be doing literally anything else than working right now."

25. "I don't always hate my job, but when I do, it's on Mondays."

26. "I just realized I'm allergic to work and my doctor prescribed me a long-term vacation."

27. "I'm a professional daydreamer with a side hustle of going to work."

28. "My biggest accomplishment of the day is not falling asleep at work."

29. "I'm not lazy, I'm selectively motivated."

30. "I'm not sure if I need a coffee or a nap, but either way, I'm not doing any work right now."

31. "I'm pretty sure that the only thing worse than work is working on a project that you know is going to fail."

32. "I'm beginning to think that the only thing I'm really good at is looking like I'm working when I'm not."

33. "I'm starting to feel like my only purpose in life is to fix other people's mistakes at work."

34. "I'm busy doing nothing, but it's more productive than doing nothing at all."

35. "I'm pretty sure that the only reason I'm at work today is because I haven't won the lottery yet."

36. "I think my boss is secretly trying to ruin my life by giving me more work to do."

37. "I'm definitely not in the mood to adult today, but I have to because bills."

38. "I'm not sure what's worse: the job or the commute to the job."

39. "I'm pretty sure that the only reason I'm at work today is to pay for the things I did when I wasn't at work."

40. "I'm not saying I hate my job, but if it were a person, I would avoid it like the plague."

41. "I'm starting to realize that there's a reason they call it work and not play."

42. "I'm not sure if I'm at work or in a never-ending nightmare."

43. "I can't wait for the day when I don't have to set an alarm clock ever again."

44. "I'm pretty sure that the only reason I'm at work today is because I haven't figured out how to become a billionaire yet."

45. "I'm starting to think that my job is a lot like being in a bad relationship. I know it's not good for me, but I can't seem to leave it."

46. "I'm pretty sure that the only thing I'm learning at work is how to avoid doing actual work."

47. "I can't wait for the day when I'm retired and can spend all day doing nothing without feeling guilty."

48. "I think it's time for a career change. Maybe I'll become a professional napper."

49. "I'm pretty sure that the only thing that's keeping me from quitting my job is the fear of unemployment."

50. "I'm not sure if I'm at work or in a black hole. Either way, time seems to stand still."


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