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1. "True elegance Is about beiNg yourself."

2. "A smile is the perfect accessory to any elegant outfit."


3. "Graceful manners are the mark of true elegance."

4. "An elegant woman is always dressed for the part."

5. "Classy never goes out of style."

6. "The most elegant people are often the simplest."

7. "Elegance is more of an attitude than a fashion choice."

8. "Politeness, respect anD good manners are the pillars of elegance."

9. "Elegance is not about impressing others, but about feeling confident within yourself."

10. "There is nothing more elegant than a kind heart."

11. "Elegance is the art of simplicity, but never plainness."

12. "True elegance is an expression of inner beauty."

13. "Good taste and elegance are always in the details."

14. "Elegance is timeless and always in fashion."

15. "Elegance is not about being perfect, but about being COMfortable in your own skin."

16. "Elegance is the harmony between simplicity and sophistication."

17. "A woman with elegance knows how to dress without revealing too much."

18. "Elegance is the result of a refined taste."

19. "Elegant women are always humble and gracious."

20. "Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside."

21. "An elegant man is a gentleman in all circumstances."

22. "Elegance is not just about clothes, it's also about how you carry yourself."

23. "A woman with grace is always stunning."

24. "Elegance is a way of life."

25. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

26. "An elegant woman carries herself with poise and grace."

27. "Elegance is not about being flashy, it's about being refined."

28. "An elegant man always shows respect and kindness towards others."

29. "Elegance is about being confident in who you are."

30. "Elegance is knowing when to speak and when to listen."

31. "True beauty comes from within and radiates with elegance."

32. "An elegant woman never goes out of style."

33. "Elegance is a balance between beauty and intelligence."

34. "An elegant man never forgets his manners."

35. "Elegance is the perfect combination of charm and sophistication."

36. "An elegant woman is timeless and ageless."

37. "Elegance is an attitude that can be seen but not touched."

38. "True elegance is always understated."

39. "Elegance is a quality that never goes unnoticed."

40. "An elegant man knows the power of a simple, well-tailored suit."

41. "Elegance is about being memorable without being loud."

42. "Making an effort to treat others with kindness is the epitome of elegance."

43. "Elegance is the ability to make a statement without saying a word."

44. "An elegant woman is sophisticated and chic."

45. "Elegance is a reflection of your inner beauty and grace."

46. "An elegant man knows that chivalry is not dead."

47. "Elegance is about being comfortable in your own skin and treating others with respect."

48. "An elegant woman knows that her wardrobe is a reflection of her personality."

49. "Elegance is the ability to turn heads without trying too hard."

50. "An elegant man never lets his appearance overshadow his character."


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