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1. The higher our expectations, the deeper our disappointments.

2. The bigger the anticipation, the larger the letdown.


3. When we expect too much, our disappointment can be overwhelming.

4. The more we hope for, the more we stand to lose.

5. Higher expectations lead to greater heartaches.

6. It's better to have low expectations than to risk being let down by high ones.

7. The more we dream about what we want, the more we risk not getting it.

8. The greater the anticipation, the worse the letdown.

9. The higher the expectations, the harder the fall.

10. When we expect too much, we set ourselves up for failure.

11. We should always hope for the best, but expect the worst.

12. If our expectations are too high, we'll never be satisfIEd.

13. Don't expect too much, or you'll end up disappointed.

14. High hopes can lead to crushing disappointment.

15. The greater the expectations, the greater the risk of disappointment.

16. The more we expect, the more we have to lose.

17. It's better to under-promise and over-deliver than the other way around.

18. The higher our expectations, the more likely we are to be disappointed.

19. The more we expect, the less we appreciate what we have.

20. Don't set your sights too high, or you'll never be happy.

21. We should always strive for the best, but be prepared for the worst.

22. High expectations often lead to low satisfaction.

23. Unrealistic expectations can lead to despair.

24. If you expect the worst, you'll be pleasantly surprised if things turn out better.

25. The more we expect, the more we're likely to compare ourselves to others.

26. High expectations can be our own worst enemy.

27. The higher we aim, the harder we fall.

28. Don't get too excited, or you'll set yourself up for disappointment.

29. Life is full of surprises, but they're not always the ones we expect.

30. The more we hope for, the more we have to lose.

31. When we expect too much, we're often disappointed by what we find.

32. If our expectations are too high, we'll never be satisfied with what we have.

33. Don't set yourself up for disappointment by expecting too much.

34. The higher our expectations, the more pressure we put on ourselves.

35. Great expectations can lead to great disappointments.

36. If you expect too much, you'll never be happy with what you have.

37. Don't expect too much, or you'll end up with nothing.

38. When we expect too much, we risk losing everything.

39. High expectations can be a curse if we're not careful.

40. The more we want, the more we stand to lose.

41. Setting our expectations too high can lead to disappointment and disillusionment.

42. Don't expect too much, or you'll never be satisfied.

43. The higher we climb, the harder we fall.

44. High expectations can be a trap if we're not careful.

45. The more we expect, the harder it is to find contentment.

46. Don't set yourself up for disappointment by expecting too much.

47. When we expect too much, we risk losing our sense of perspective.

48. Unrealistic expectations can lead to a sense of disillusionment.

49. The more we hope for, the more we're likely to be disappointed.

50. If you don't expect too much, you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you find.


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