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1. "Finally got my license, I can now legally scare the living daylights out of Everyone on the road!"

2. "My driving inSTructor said I driVE like a dream…a nightmare, to be exact."


3. "My dad just handed me the car keys and told me I'm on my own now. I'm scared..."

4. "I'm officially licensed to kill...time during long drives."

5. "To all the pedestrians out there, sorry in advance for the near misses."

6. "I can finally join the exclusive club of people who can use turn signals correctly!"

7. "Now I can get lost on my own without feeling guilty for making my passengers suffer."

8. "I'm not saying I'm a good driver, but at least I HAven't hit anything...yet."

9. "After watching Fast and Furious, I got my license and realized driving normally is boring."

10. "In the words of my driving instructor, 'Your driving shows potential...for improvement.'"

11. "I'm pretty sure my parallel parking skills can now qualify me for a NASA mission."

12. "I didn't know what true freedom was until I got my license and realized I can finally go to Walmart alone."

13. "It's official, I'm now a responsible adult...until I get behind the wheel."

14. "They say driving is a privilege, but it feels like a right of passage to finally be able to ignore my passengers' GPS suggestions."

15. "I got my license and suddenly everyone I know needs a ride. Time to start charging Uber rates."

16. "I'm now qualified to let my road rage loose like a pro."

17. "My mom said a prayer for me, the moment I got behind the wheel on my own. I think it's safe to say that she's not the most confident in my driving abilities."

18. "I can finally stop pretending to walk casually past car dealerships and just walk in to test drive cars."

19. "I've been practicing my 'I'm a new driver, please be patient' wave for months and now I have an excuse to use it."

20. "Now that I have my license, my worst fear is getting stuck in traffic with a full bladder."

21. "My driving instructor asked me to demonstrate parallel parking and I'm pretty sure I hit every single cone."

22. "I can't wait to embarrass my kids with my reckless driving skills."

23. "I'm now legally allowed to have a favorite parking spot at the grocery store."

24. "My first official drive was to Starbucks and I think that sums up my driving priorities quite well."

25. "I'm convinced the hardest part of getting my license was mastering the art of pretending to sound confident when speaking to the DMV clerk."

26. "They say you never forget your first love, but I'm pretty sure I'll never forget my first driving test panic attack."

27. "I may have passed my driving test, but I don't think I'll ever forget the feeling of dread every time a cop car pulls up behind me."

28. "I got my license and now I finally know how it feels to be in the driver's seat of a car."

29. "I'm now a licensed driver and I don't know what's scarier: being on the road with other drivers or being a passenger with me behind the wheel."

30. "My driving instructor called me 'Captain Slow but Steady' and I can't decide if that's a compliment or an insult."

31. "My dad said he would buy me a car if I passed my driving test. Jokes on him, I already spent all my money on driving lessons."

32. "I got my license and now my biggest fear is someone else spilling a drink in my car."

33. "I can now legally drive with one hand while trying to eat a burger and change the radio station with the other hand."

34. "I passed my driving test with flying colors...mostly because I was too nervous to remember how to put on my seatbelt."

35. "I'm pretty sure driving is harder than rocket science, but I'm glad I only had to take one test to prove myself."

36. "Now that I have my license, I'm officially a danger to society...just kidding, sort of."

37. "I got my license and now I'm one step closer to fulfilling my dream of no longer relying on public transportation."

38. "My first official long drive was to Ikea and I learned a valuable lesson: never buy furniture that requires assembly after a long drive."

39. "I may still be an amateur driver, but at least I'm no longer an amateur at pretending to look cool while driving."

40. "I passed my driver's test but I still haven't figured out how to conclusively answer the question 'do you know how fast you were going?'"

41. "I can now legally participate in the Indy 500...in my dreams."

42. "I got my license and now I'm pretty sure I have the power to make or break my parents' car insurance rates."

43. "My driving instructor said I have the potential to be a great driver...if I can manage to control my road rage."

44. "It's official, I'm now licensed to break all the traffic laws I previously didn't know existed."

45. "Now that I have my license, I can finally drive to my ex's house and show them what they're missing...or not, since I don't know where they live."

46. "I passed my driver's test and now I just need to figure out how to confidently drive without my instructor's spirit looming over my shoulder."

47. "I got my license and now I understand why parents are always offering to drive their kids' friends places rather than letting their kids drive."

48. "I'm now a licensed driver but I still can't parallel park without mouthing 'please don't hit the car, please don't hit the car.'"

49. "I passed my driving test but I'm pretty sure the DMV clerk was just relieved to finally get rid of me."

50. "I got my license and now I have the power to blare terrible music at obnoxious volumes without fear of judgment from my passengers."


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