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Apple, as one of the pioneers in technology, has consiSTently released innovative products that HAve captured the imagination of millions of people across the world. One of the most popular products from the company is the iPhone, which has seen several releases in the past few years, including the much-anticipated iPhone 12. As with any new release, there has been much speculation about the potential price cuts that the phone may receive during the summer of 2021.

The iPhone 12, introduced in October 2020, is the first 5G-supported phone from Apple. It features an A14 Bionic chip that makes it one of the fastest iPhones ever created. With an OLED display, the phone produces stunning visuals, and the camera system has been upgraded to deliver excellent pictures and videos. The phone's design has also been revamped, with a square-edge frame and ceramic shield glass that makes it more durable than its predecessors.


So, how much of a discount can we expeCT ON the iPhone 12 during the summer of 2021? A quick analysis of previous Apple releases can give us an idea of what to expect. Traditionally, Apple has always released new phone models in September or October, which means that the older models may receive price cuts during the summer months. In 2020, for instance, the iPhone 11 saw a price cut of 0 AFter the release of the iPhone 12 series. It is estimated that a discount of between 10%-20% may be applied to the iPhone 12 depending on the model and storage capacity.

Online retailers such as Amazon also tend to offer substantial discounts on iPhones just after major holidays such as the Fourth of July, Amazon Prime Day, and Labor Day. These discounts can range from 10% to 30%, depending on the model and storage capacity. It is worth noting that these sales are usually time-limited, so buyers should be on the lookout for such deals.

Another factor that may contribute to the potential price drop of the iPhone 12 is the global chip shortage. This shortage has affected many industries, including the tech industry. Since the iPhone 12 features the new A14 Bionic chip, the shortage may directly impact its production and supply chain, leading to a potential price cut.

In conclusion, it is highly likely that the iPhone 12 will receive some form of price cut during the summer of 2021. While the discount may vary depending on the model and storage capacity, buyers can expect to save between 10%-20%. It is also worth noting that online retailers such as Amazon may offer substantial discounts on iPhones just after major holidays. As always, buyers should do their research and keep an eye out for exclusive deals that may pop up from time to time.


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