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1. "I have a surprise for you later."

2. "I just got a new outfit, want to see?"


3. "I've been thinking about you all day."

4. "I had a dream about you lASt night.”

5. "I can't stop smiling when I think of you."

6. "I really enjoyed our last date. When can we do it again?"

7. "I just tried this new reciPE, want to cOMe over and try it with me?"

8. "You make me feel so special."

9. "I can't wait to see you again."

10. "You're always on my mind."

11. "You're so handsome, it's distracting."

12. "I want to be wrapped up in your arms right now."

13. "I mISS you already."

14. "I love spending time with you."

15. "I have a feeling tonight is going to be amazing."

16. "I feel safe and protected when I'm with you."

17. "You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world."

18. "I feel like the chemistry between us is electric."

19. "I can't wait to kiss you again."

20. "I love the way you make me laugh."

21. "I feel like we have a special connection."

22. "I love the way your body fits so perfectly with mine."

23. "I feel like we could talk for hours and never get bored."

24. "I'm imagining you right now."

25. "You're so incredibly attractive to me."

26. "I trust you completely."

27. "I feel like we're on the same page."

28. "I think about you all the time."

29. "I feel like we have a bond that nobody else can match."

30. "I feel so lucky to have you in my life."

31. "I feel like we could conquer the world together."

32. "I love when you touch me like that."

33. "I feel like I can be myself around you."

34. "I feel like we have so much in common."

35. "I can't get enough of you."

36. "I feel like we were meant to meet."

37. "I love your eyes, they mesmerize me."

38. "I feel like we have such amazing chemistry."

39. "I love the way you make me feel comfortable."

40. "I feel like I can tell you anything."

41. "I love the way you smell."

42. "I feel like we could have so much fun together."

43. "I love the way you touch me."

44. "I feel like we could have a deep connection."

45. "I love when you hold my hand."

46. "I feel like we're just getting started."

47. "I love the way you make me feel alive."

48. "I feel like we could have something special."

49. "I love how you make me smile."

50. "I feel like I'm falling for you."


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