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1. Today I choose happiness, positivity and gratitude as my companions.

2. Trust and honesty are the foundations of any great relationship.


3. Spread kindness wherever you go, for it will always come back to you.

4. Life is short, but our impact can be great. Make it count.

5. Grateful for the love and support of my friends and family.

6. Always be willing to listen first, and speak sECond.

7. Remember to take care of yourself, so you can be there for others.

8. Empathy and understanding can go a long way in any situation.

9. Celebrate your suCCesses, but also embrace your failures as opportunities to learn and grow.

10. Focus on the present moment and find joy in the little things.

11. Let go of grudges and forgive. It will free up so much mental and emotional space.

12. Surround yourself with those who lift you up and bring out your best self.

13. Honesty and communication are key to any healthy relationship.

14. Spread love and positivity wherever you go.

15. Celebrate the differences that make us uniQue and beautiful.

16. Practice gratitude daily, even for the small things.

17. Remember to laugh often, it's good for the soul.

18. Recognize your own emotions and those of others, and handle them with care.

19. Approach life with an open mind and an open heart.

20. The best gift you can give someone is your time and attention.

21. Always strive for personal growth and self-improvement.

22. Be the positive change you wish to see in the world.

23. Listen to understand, not to respond.

24. Express your emotions honestly, but also respectfully.

25. It's okay to ask for help when you need it.

26. Accept and embrace your flaws, they make you who you are.

27. Find joy in the journey, not just the destination.

28. Always be true to yourself and your values.

29. Remember to take a deep breath and stay calm in challenging situations.

30. Celebrate milestones and accomplisHMents, no matter how small.

31. Show compassion and empathy to those who disagree with you.

32. Recognize the power of your words and use them wisely.

33. Surround yourself with those who inspire and motivate you.

34. Take time for self-care and self-love.

35. Recognize and celebrate the achievements of those around you.

36. Honor your commitments and obligations.

37. Keep an open mind and be willing to learn from others.

38. Use your strengths to make a positive impact in the world.

39. Practice patience and tolerance in all situations.

40. Always be willing to apologize and make amends.

41. Find beauty and joy in the simple things.

42. Celebrate diversity and inclusivity in all its forms.

43. Recognize and validate the emotions of those around you.

44. Build up others instead of tearing them down.

45. Don't take life too seriously, and learn to laugh at yourself.

46. Practice forgiveness, both for yourself and others.

47. Embrace change and adapt to new situations.

48. Lead with kindness, even when it's hard.

49. Always be willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.

50. Remember that love and kindness are always more powerful than hate and negativity.


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